Twin Flame Alignment

Healing the energetic freeze in Twin Flame Relationships

You know he/she is the ONE for you, yet something, the size of a grain constantly seems to come between you two
and then it's hard to feel calm or connected.

Try as you might to soothe them, understand them, take away the hurt you caused without meaning to, the more you find yourself disconnected, rejected and misunderstood.
You find yourself replaying your conversations over and over again just to see how you can stop this never ending cycle of

You feel they know you like no-one has ever known you before.
Yet the timing never seems right.
They reach out when you need to work or have other commitments.

You start missing appointments with friends and family just so you wont miss then and leave them feeling unloved and unwanted.

You stay up till all hours of the night waiting to connect with them to fall asleep talking with them, just to feel the love and the connection you crave.


MORE Painful and powerful than the standoffs between Harry Potter and Him that shall not be named.

6 week Coaching Program
2 payments 3 weeks apart

The Spiritual & Energetic self enquiry process that will take you from being bombarded with lemons to receiving mithai, chocolates, roses and even diamonds.

This is a bespoke coaching program.  

Although you may be experiencing a spiritual phenomenon, you are a unique individual with individual needs, desires, strengths, talents and traits.  

Equally you will have contracted at the soul level, to have this experience.  Many of us light workers are doing so right now to heal the imbalance between the
Divine Female and Male energies here on Earth.
You are here to change centuries of loss and pain for millions

This coaching program will follow an outline and is tailored to you throughout to help heal your patterns, ancestral and well as individual to bring you to a place of wholeness. 

You know you have this soul connection.

Instantly you feel seen and known.

This person knows you like the back of their hand.  

You know when they are online, when they are thinking about you, to them connecting with you just as you are thinking about them.  

The magic is palpable in the air. ... Yet something is just not clicking.  

Angel numbers keep telling you they are your Twin Flame and yet the slightest thing can rip you away from the closeness you feel.

IS it time to heal this misalignment? 

Reshmi Purmar

Hello and Welcome. 

You are here either by "chance", recommendation or because you already know me.  If you are here by chance and do not know me, my first question to you is: do you believe in Synchronicities?

I do. I believe the world we live in can be a magical place when we learn to be in the moment. Have you seen Avatar the movie?  In the movie to be alive means breathing deeply, being centered and feeling.  

Feeling is our core guidance system. Anytime business people make wild decisions and they hit the nail on the head they say they had a gut feeling.  Gut feelings are not only intuitive they are the drivers that make inventors invent and the reason our world is full of powerful technologies, they are the reason you feel joyful and uplifted when you see beautiful thing like flowers or connection. 

When our feelings go off track is when we feel hurt, unstable, lost or confused. 

I am a perpetual student. And have been a student of life's mysteries in mind, body, spirit most of my life.  Initially through trying to understand science then energy work followed by understanding mind sciences.  Those things that work for me are my experimental evidence of what works and what I use to teach and guide others through the transformational process of cocreating to fulfil their purpose.

You are here because you are on a path to self discovery as a way of creating a deeper soulful and loving relationship with yourself, your family, your world and beyond. 

I am delighted to be your guide here.


Fiona G


Highly Recommended Course. Easy to Understand, Informative, Very Well Organized. The Course is Full of Practical and Valuable for Anyone who wants to Enhance their Skills. Really Enjoyed it. Thank you!!

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Twin Flame Alignment 2 payments due 3 weeks apart

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  • 6 bi-weekly coaching sessions for healing Twin Flame patterns

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