Inner Child


Course Summary

Self discovery is the greatest form of healing.  Through the Inner child programs you take a journey into self discovery, who are you? Why do you do what you do? What you to do? Your Inner gifts and why you are not using them and much more. Discover the hidden you to uncover your souls purpose

Reshmi Purmar

Hello and Welcome. 

You are here either by "chance", recommendation or because you already know me.  If you are here by chance and do not know me, my first question to you is: do you believe in Synchronicities?

I do. I believe the world we live in can be a magical place when we learn to be in the moment. Have you seen Avatar the movie?  In the movie to be alive means breathing deeply, being centered and feeling.  

Feeling is our core guidance system. Anytime business people make wild decisions and they hit the nail on the head they say they had a gut feeling.  Gut feelings are not only intuitive they are the drivers that make inventors invent and the reason our world is full of powerful technologies, they are the reason you feel joyful and uplifted when you see beautiful thing like flowers or connection. 

When our feelings go off track is when we feel hurt, unstable, lost or confused. 

I am a perpetual student. And have been a student of life's mysteries in mind, body, spirit most of my life.  Initially through trying to understand science then energy work followed by understanding mind sciences.  Those things that work for me are my experimental evidence of what works and what I use to teach and guide others through the transformational process of cocreating to fulfil their purpose.

You are here because you are on a path to self discovery as a way of creating a deeper soulful and loving relationship with yourself, your family, your world and beyond. 

I am delighted to be your guide here.


Course Pricing


$2222 USD

  • Unlock your potential with our comprehensive course bundle on Inner Child Healing, Rediscovery, and Personal Development. 1 year

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